
People carry buckets of water on their heads from Malawi because they don’t have taps with fresh water like we do. I’m going to talk about a girl and a boy from Malawi, they are called Mesi and Unika. They don’t have a normal day like we do. They do their own chores in the morning until night time, here are some things that they do all day. They wake up at about half five every day to go and fetch their own water and fire wood and after they do all there chores they get ready for school Unika and Messi don’t wear shoes to school nether do other people from Malawi only a few people ware shoes because the people that don’t save them for special   accessions. When they are at school some people need to work outside because there is not enough room in the classroom for all the kids. The kids from the school don’t have any tables or chairs or anything on their walls they had to sit on the floor to draw all their pictures. When they get home they do their homework, and when they finish they start to collect more water and they collect more fire wood. Soon after that they all go to bed and get ready for a whole new day in Malawi.


We found out what it felt like to collect and carry our water



My day is much different to Messi and Unikas. I don’t need to get up at half five in the morning to go and fetch  fire wood and water, I only need to get my water out the tap and I only need to put coal in my fire witch my mum and dad buy for me.


By Aoife

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