Holly Tea

Hi I am Bethany. Our school had a Holly Tea. That is just a afternoon tea to sell arts and crafts and have some mince pies. If you want to know more about it please click on the link. Thanks Dalmally primary school Holly Tea  

Jamaican rock iguana

The Jamaican rock iguana (Cyclura Collei) is an endangered species of lizard from the iguanadae family. They can only be found in the hellshire hills outside of Kingston, Jamaica. They have been in decline since the introduction of the Indian mongoose. The Jamaican rock iguana used to be common but in 1996 they became critically […]

Child Neglect

      Neglect is an everlasting abuse to children                                  What is neglect?  Example: Some people Put their child, baby in a cot even under 2 and leave them there for weeks, months.   Constantly going hungry Constantly going to school In dirty clothes Not being  taken to the doctor when ill Regularly having to  look […]

The Big Panda

The big panda is also known as the panda bear or the giant panda. They have black patches around their eyes, over its ears and round body. The panda’s diet is 99% bamboo. There are about  2,000  to  3,000 It is adored by the world The big panda has been WWFs symbol since they started […]


Afghanistan civil war started in 2001. They fought the taliban,the war has been on for 13 years. The uk has about 5,200 troops in the war just now but there was 10,000 troops earlier on. The uk goverment planned to take all the troops by the end of 2014. The taliban have been defeated but […]

Animal Abuse

There are shocking numbers of animals found in streets, fields and many other places that animals have been abandoned. Some animals just get used for breeding and don’t even get treated properly or don’t get the right amount of food or maybe don’t get food at all. There are some really mean people out in […]

The Danger of Cancer

Cancer is a very serious disease. In 2012 only 10 people in the UK who was diagnosed survived. The certain types of cancer like breast cancer bowel, lung, and kidney and there are much more. I have had 4 people in my family diagnosed with cancer. My Nana had been diagnosed with kidney cancer and had […]


Hello my name is Bethany and I am nine years old. My chosen Global Issu is poverty in Africa. I will tell you a bit about poverty. 21,000 people die every year because of poverty. That is one person every four seconds .Sadly most of them are children. There is enough food in the world for […]


Cheetahs The cheetah is the worlds fastest land animal. The cheetah can run up to 97km [60 mph] in 3 seconds. Cheetahs strangle there predator with a bite and drag it to a hiding spot before another predator comes.Young cubs grow a thick yellow and grey coat on their back called mantle.   Cheetahs are endangered […]