All About us



Dalmally is a small village in Argyll & Bute. The closest town is Oban. The Dalmally Show is the most attended event in Dalmally. The River Orchy runs through to Loch Awe, which has a small village called Loch Awe on the bank. The main housing area in Dalmally is Glenview. There is a large hotel called the Highland Heritage Hotel. Dalmally is a small but a nice little place.

Glenorchy kirk

Glenorchy kirk

Fields around dalmally

Fields around dalmally

Duncan Ban McIntyre monument

Duncan Ban McIntyre

Post office

Post office

train station

train station

Our School

Dalmally primary is a small school with only 38 children. There are three classes. There are 15 in P5/6/7 ,12 in P3/4 and 10 in P1/2. There are 13 staff: Mrs Fothergill
is our head teacher, she teaches P1/2 along with Miss O’Brian. Miss Mackinnon teaches P3/4 and Miss Robertson teaches P5/6/7. Miss Hall, Mrs Campbell and Mrs Wright are our support staff. Thelma and Karen teach the nursery, which  has 8 children. Julie and Rhona work in the kitchen and Mr Frew is our janitor. Our P.E teacher, Miss MacKechnie, brings her dog, Indie, with her every Thursday. The school has a big playground. Ithas a grass pitch and a quiet garden. We have an after school club. We also have school bikes to play on. Dalmally primary is a very fun school.

Our school

Our school

The Log cabin

The Log cabin

flowers in the garden

flowers in the garden

Our playground

Our playground

Our fruit trees

Our fruit trees

What our blog is about

Our blog is about what we learn at school and our achievements. We will be posting about things we are learning and also our school trips. We will be posting good pieces of work and things we are proud of.

Why we set up our blog

We set up our blog so we can get better at our digital skills and communicating with others.


6 thoughts on “All About us

  1. Dear 5/6/7 class from Dalmally,

    we are also a class of 5/6/7s, in Australia! There are 21 students in our class. How do you like having three grades in your class? It can be a bit challenging at times, can’t it? Here is our blog address if you would like to have a look…
    We are currently on holidays until next week (it is our spring break here in Australia).

    From Mrs Pratt

    • we have 14 students in our class. We have 3 grades. They are 5/6/7.


  2. Hi Im from California. How are you? I cant believe that your school has 3 classes! Our primary MIddle School has over 21 classes! Cool. I would love to meet you guys.

  3. G’day Miss Robertson and students,
    I really enjoyed reading and listening to your work about bonfire night. I think the boys did a great job with their video. I haven’t made one yet with me actually doing the talking in it.

    Your images and artwork in your scrolling header where fantastic.Were they photos of your own bonfire in your town?

    I noticed you have a Glenorchy kirk near your town. One of the suburbs of Hobart, which is the capital city of Tasmania, is Glenorchy. It was given its name by Governor Lachlan Macquarie and named after his wife’s home town in Scotland.

  4. Hi ross so i heard you like minecraft and pokemon like me i was wondering if you wanted to be my online bff (best friends forever) what console do you ply minecraft on? and if it is computer is the controllers hard to ?control

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